Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Introducing: Honey Pie Nursing Clips

I am so excited to debut my new product designed to provide more coverage than any other nursing cover on the market! I had a wiggly little girl from day one and nursing in public was a real struggle that in the beginning ended in tears quite frequently. I came up with these nursing clips as a solution for me and my little wiggle worm. They made nursing in public a breeze! Here's how it works...

Step 1: Attach nursing clip to bra strap or any other convenient location. Women have the option to leave the clips on at all times, or remove them and re-attach them each time they would like to nurse. They can be attached to bra straps, swimsuits, t-shirts, anything!

Step 2: Replace clothing over bra strap and nursing clip.

Step 3: Place the blanket you would like to cover with on your shoulder. 

Step 4: Place attachment bow on shoulder until it magnetically snaps into place above clip.

Step 5: Repeat on the other shoulder and you're ready to go!

A benefit of this product compared to all the other options on the market is that it provides 
more coverage and stays put, even when your little one wiggles during feedings. 
In addition, this product does not require you to carry an additional nursing blanket 
with you and is small, and easy to store in your diaper bag. 

Each unit is sold in a small round tin and includes two nursing clips, and two attachment bows. Visit my etsy shop, instagram or email me for more information, color choices and to purchase your Honey Pie Nursing Clips!

Etsy shop:
Instagram: Honeypienursing